What if you could look at things from a completely different angle? Imagine yourself eating yourself. The team behind «The ForkEye» project is working on changing how you see things, by moving your perspective from one part of your body to another. They change perspectives and how literal «what’s on your fork» can be.

With the help of VR-glasses and a device they call «The ForkEye» people can take the journey along with the forks they’re eating with and see things from a new and different perspective.

In recent years, neuroscience has uncovered a wealth of new information about our senses and how they serve as our gateway to the world. Rob illuminates not only how we see, hear, smell, touch, taste, maintain balance, feel pain, and rely on other less familiar senses, but also how these senses shape our perception of the world aesthetically, artistically, and musically.
Our Senses: An immersive experience by Rob Desalle

For a more thorough visualization of taste in the digital world, they explored textures and color in produce, to give their guests an even more special experience. They experimented with food that changes color in your mouth and food that tickles a pleasant feeling in your mouth. Through that, they created a small menu, of beetroot salad in funky shapes, cannelloni with tongue play, and, to finish it off, a vermicelle, all served with red-staining wine.
Concept and realisation:
Alina Birjuk
Jonatan Bischof
Lisa Bach
Jill Sandona
Benjamin Eggstein
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17. April 2024