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Inside a Bangka Island tin mine

Challenges and consequences of tin mining in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. A photo essay by Indonesian photojournalist Resha Juhari that will not only present images that will convey in-depth stories about the daily lives of workers but also the challenges they face and the social and environmental impacts of tin mining activities.

Von akutmag

Photo essay by Resha Juhari

Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia, stands as a vital contributor to the global tin industry, ranking second only to China. In 2021, Indonesia mined an impressive 83,000 tons of tin, making up 26 percent of the world’s total production. This achievement underscores the province’s pivotal role in the tin market, driven largely by the economic activities in Bangka Belitung, a region with a population of 1,223,296.

Tin mining is not only at sea and on the mainland, but can also be found in rivers. The mined river not only damages the mangrove ecosystem but also causes the river to silt up. June 13, 2023.
Hamzah, a school dropout, carries a traditional tool to mine tin ore in Sampur Beach, Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on June 2, 2013. Hamzah was able to find an average of 5 to 10 ounces of lead. He sold the tin at around Rp. 7000-12,000 thousand per ounce, referring to world tin prices as of June 2, 2013.

Tin mining forms the economic backbone of Bangka Belitung, with a significant portion of the residents relying on this industry for their livelihoods. However, the economic benefits come with substantial costs. The introduction and rise of unconventional mining, catalyzed by regional autonomy policies in the early 2000s and shifts in the tin trading system, have brought about profound changes in the region. These changes, while economically beneficial, present numerous environmental and social challenges.

A child miner shows the results of tin ore mining from traditional mines on Sampur Beach, Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on June 2, 2013. The price of tin per kilogram varies according to world tin prices in the IDR 70,000 – 120,000/kilogram.
An aerial view of Bangka Island, Indonesia shows land damage due to mining activities, on February 20, 2022. According to the Bangka Belitung Provincial Forestry Service in 2019 noted that 98.77 percent of land in Bangka Belitung was in the critical condition category due to mining, including illegal mining.
Parents, their children, and other residents are looking for rocks containing the amount of tin ore in a field near a cemetery in Kimak Village, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on February 5, 2021. Residents flocked to look for stones with economic value and sell them to tin collectors.
A teenager jumps into a former mining lake. The unoccupied lake has been dead for a long time and contains dangerous minerals, so fish and plants cannot live there. Residents named it Lake Kaolin (Kaolinite). Location in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on October 9, 2015.
A mother clean the sand to get tin ore in a river in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia on July 30, 2018. Mothers around the illegal mines, asking for a share of tin ore. Local residents call it „Ngereman“ or “Thugs”. “Thugs” is not coercive or criminal. Usually they exchange the tin ore for food or cigarettes to the miners.
Sar (60) dive for tin ore in muddy and polluted water in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia on November 30, 2022. They carry out illegal mining without safety equipment which threatens miners‘ lives.
A worker dive for tin ore in muddy and polluted water in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia on November 30, 2022. Many working miners are aware of the threat to their lives being illegal miners, but they still do it for a living.

One of the most pressing issues is the high dropout rate among school children. Data from the Education Authorities of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province reveals that between 2019 and 2021, 86.3 percent of students left school due to the lure of quick financial gains from unconventional tin mining. The immediate monetary rewards from mining often outweigh the perceived long-term benefits of education, leading to a significant number of children abandoning their studies.

A tin ore miner crosses a mining area in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on October 20, 2013. The remnants of tin mining leave large holes and artificial lakes. Various types of heavy metals above the average threshold contaminate the holes and lakes, including Ferrum (Fe), Lead (Pb), and Arsenic (As), making them hazardous to health.

The environmental impact of tin mining in Bangka Belitung is severe. Both legal and illegal mining activities, conducted on land and at sea, contribute to significant environmental degradation. Deforestation, a byproduct of land mining, leads to soil erosion, while artificial lakes created by mining activities often result in water overflow and flooding. These environmental changes threaten various plant and animal species, pushing many endemic species towards extinction.

Houses were demolished for tin mining land in Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on March 25, 2021. Some residents left their houses or sold their land for mining.

The issue of expanding critical land is becoming increasingly worrisome. According to the Bangka Belitung Provincial Forestry Service, in 2019, the island had 20,078 hectares of critical land, with 98.77 percent classified as critical and 227.86 hectares deemed urgent. This expansion highlights the growing environmental challenges that accompany intensive tin mining.

Tin mining activities on Bangka Island, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. Tin mining activities can damage the coast and marine ecosystems, which may disrupt the livelihoods of fishermen. June 13, 2023.
The abandoned land of former illegal tin mines has become critical in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia on November 30, 2022. It will take a long time for the land to recover and become fertile again.

The global demand for tin, driven by its essential role in the electronics industry, places Bangka Belitung at a crossroads. The region faces the formidable challenge of balancing economic prosperity with environmental preservation and social well-being. Sustainable practices and thoughtful policies are essential to ensuring that this vital industry can continue to thrive without compromising the ecological and social fabric of Bangka Belitung.

Police officers guard the illegal mining area in the Pangkalpinang City area, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia, on December 9, 2019. One of the causes of the large number of illegal mining activities in the Bangka Belitung Province, namely the weakness of law enforcement against the perpetrators of these activities illegal tin mining.

In conclusion, while Bangka Belitung Island’s contribution to the tin industry is undeniable, the region must navigate the delicate balance between economic gains and the well-being of its environment and population. Achieving this balance is crucial for the sustainable future of both the province and the global tin industry.

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09. Juli 2024

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